Thursday, September 13, 2012

HVCC project will receive $500,000 from AEP case settlement - The Business Review (Albany):
The 44,000-square-foot campus, currently undedr construction, is part of a joint ventur e by the college andthe . The center’xs focus is prepare workers for the fields of semiconductort manufacturing and alternative orrenewable energy. The $500,0000 is part of a $9.5 millio court-ordered settlement with stemming from a violationd of the federal CleanAir Act. The new campus, whicyh is scheduled to open in January, will be used to trainm technicians to work in emergin g energy fields including thenearbh $4.2 billion GlobalFoundries chip plant, also underf construction. Between 300 and 500 technicians are expecterd to trainat Tec-Smartr in the next three to five years.
The facilitty will be located in the SaratogaTechnology + Energy Park in a few miles east of Exit 12 on the I-87 Northway in Saratoga County. Cuomo has dedicated $2.8 millionb from the $9.5 million environmental case settlementto date, includinh the money for the Tec-Smart Hudson Valley Community College President Andrew Matonaj said the state allocation will enable the college purchase a photovoltaiv system for training and to provid e power for the new campus. Tec-Smart’s equipment will be capablse ofproducing 62.5 kilowatts of enough to power abourt 20 homes. The state already has received $3.3 milliomn of the $9.
5 million which is being paid over five Another $500,000 is being spent in to upgrade 140 schoolp buses in Westchester, Putnam and Dutchesa counties. Buses will be equipped with anti-idlinbg technology to reduce diesel emissions. Cuomo also dedicated close $1.8 milliojn of the settlement funds last fall to created an oil energy efficiencyu pilot program to help needy familiesx cope with the high cost of homeheatintg oil. Another $500,000 in fundingh will be announced for a separate environmental projectr laterthis year.

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