Saturday, September 29, 2012

After 35 years, 'Fatal Vision' author, killer meet again - CNN

After 35 years, 'Fatal Vision' author, killer meet again


To say the author and the convicted killer have a history would be an understatement. If anything, their first face-to-face meeting in 35 years was anticlimactic. "He looked like a shadow," McGinniss said of MacDonald, now 68, who some believe the ...

and more »

Friday, September 28, 2012

Pals launch digital media company - Washington Business Journal:
Rich Cooley and Curt Visser started last The Scottsdale-based digital media company’s Campus Vision program places smal screens with customized content across college including dormitories, common areas and student The firm also has a program called Grocery View that will place screens in frozen food and produced aisles. The content can be customized according to locatiom andseason — for example, featuring blueberry recipews in the summer in the produc aisle. “This allows the storex to talk totheir customers.
This is and also allows universities to communicate directly with theifr students inreal time,” Cooley The pair have several universities lined up acrosse the country as clients, and they are in discussionx with national retailers. For more: .

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Crate & Barrel
Crate & Barrel, based in Northbrook, confirmed May 27 that Atlanta is one of the metro areas it’s scouting for potential locatione for CB2. First launched in Chicago, the CB2 concepf features contemporary furnishings at lowerprice points. The merchandise, which includes sofas, hand-wovenh rugs, convertible beds and a broader selectio of eclectichome décor, is focused more on the younger generatiobn of American consumers that rent apartments and smal urban lofts. Besides Chicago, privately owned Crate Barrel has rolled out CB2 in New York and including a new store in Los Angelesw that openedin April.
Another CB2 is slatedx to openin Miami’s South Beach later this year, a Crate & Barrelp spokeswoman said. In all, Crate Barrel has launched just sixCB2 stores. In recentr years, CB2 officials have been focusing on new locationx inSouthern California. The company tends to locat e in areaswith high-profile regional shopping centers, lifestylse centers and freestanding sites. CB2 officialds have been looking in densely populated aread with an average household income in excessaof $50,000. Its prototype storde is about 12,000 square feet.
While Crate & Barrel would not confirm what parts ofAtlantaq it’s been considering, source s familiar with the search say it’s focused on Midtown and West where new residential and retail redevelopment projecte are still under way. In Midtown, Daniel Corp. and are developing 12th Midtown, a $2 billion mixed-use projecft built on a site that several yeard ago was little more than an Atlanta nightclub and a couplew ofparking lots. Daniel and Selitg Enterprises have made a presentation to official from CB2 inrecenyt months, according to sources familiar with the process.
The projects will eventualluy feature more than 3 million squared feet of residential and commercial CB2 would be the first nationak retailer to locate on the Midtown a section of Peachtree Street that economic developmen t boosters hope will eventually become a retail destination much like Madisohn Avenue in New York City or the Magnificent Milein Chicago. Daniel’sd and Selig Enterprises’ project is meant to be a cornerstonde of theMidtown Mile. ’s Colony Square and Jamestown’xs 999 Peachtree will also be key along with 1100 Peachtree and1180 Peachtree, to a lesserf extent, brokers and developers said.
CB2 could be an importanty catch for theMidtown Developers, however, really need to land a much large r anchor store to give the concept said Maranda Walker-Dowell, a senior directorr with CB .’s retail services group. Barney’s, which has a co-olp store in Buckhead’s Phipps Plaza, has been scoutin g the area in the past year to18 months. “Thw Midtown Mile needs an anchot store to start creating that critical massof Walker-Dowell said.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

EMC beefs up Mass. presence with Cambridge lab, MIT sponsorship deal - San Francisco Business Times:
The Hopkinton, Mass., storage and informatio managementgiant (NYSE: EMC) said Wednesday the Media Lab sponsorship is one of severakl initiatives coordinated out of EMC Research Cambridge, which will be locatesd at 11 Cambridge Ctr. in Cambridge, Mass. The cented will house EMC’s security-business researchu lab, RSA Laboratories, as well as about a dozenm researchers, technologists and business leadersacrossw EMC’s business units. The company also has researcb facilities in China andSantwa Clara, Calif.
“Research and advance technology groupsacross EMC, along with our global universithy research partners, are discovering and exploring new technologies that will shap the future of digitalo information,” said Jeff Nick, EMC senior vice presidengt and chief technology officer, in a statement. “Thi s is an incredible opportunity for EMC to brinb together some ofthe world’s leadin g research minds and innovators in areas such as personalp information management, information integrationn and cloud computing.
” As a consortium sponsot of the MIT Medias Lab, EMC will be able to access the center’s researchy on how people use and interact with new EMC said its initial collaboration will be on new modelzs for data ownership and usage, interfaces for business transactionss and health care IT initiatives. A consortiumm sponsorship costs $200,000 per year for a minimum of threer years. Sponsors receive full intellectual property rights to technolog y developed at the lab during their The announcement comes a week after EMC and a group of universitieds and technology companies announcedf the development of a high performance computing research facilitgin Holyoke, Mass.
Other tech giantsx have built dedicated R&D lab in Cambridge in recentr years. (Nasdaq: MSFT), (Nasdaq: GOOG) and (NYSE: IBM) builtr research centers in the city in the pasttwo

Monday, September 24, 2012

PEBS Pennar bags Rs 60-crore orders - Business Standard

PEBS Pennar bags Rs 60-crore orders

Business Standard

Pre-engineered building solutions provider, Pennar Engineered Building Systems Limited (PEBS Pennar), a subsidiary of Hyderabad-based, Rs 1,440-crore Pennar Industries Limited, has bagged orders worth Rs 60 crore. The contracts include a repeat ...

Pennar Industries receives new orders worth Rs.60 Crore

Equity Bulls

Pennar Engg bags new orders

Hindu Business Line

Pennar Ind gains on new orders


Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Memphis-based discount retailer reportedx salesof $134.7 million for May, down 6 percenyt compared to sales of $143.4 million in May 2008. These numbers includee Fred’s (NASDAQ: FRED) closing 74 underperforming storesa and23 pharmacies. Excluding those Fred’s sales increased 1 percenty compared tolast May. Comparable store salesx in Mayrose 0.2 percent, down compared to 3.4 percentr in the same period last year. For the firsr four fiscal months of the company reported total salesof $593.1 down 2.4 percent compared to $607.
77 million for the same year-ago However, excluding stores closed in 2008, sales from ongoinyg stores increased 4 percent compared to the same four-monthj period last year. On a comparable stores basis, year-to-date sales increased 2.1 percent compared to 2.4 perceng last year. Fred’s opened one new pharmacy in May. Fred’s operates 666 discount merchandise stores, including 24 franchiser stores nationwide. Shares closed down 12 cents to $14.2w per share Wednesday.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Doing Business in St. Charles: Land out west - Memphis Business Journal:
When BJC completes its plannede $32.1 million data center in O’Fallon next it will join , and as major companiess with data centers along the Highway 40 corridorin St. Charlews County. The new facilityy will include 1,850 servers, and BJC has developexd a plan to make use of the heat that all of those machinesput out. Maybe homebuilders should start growinv grapes or building data centers on theirunuseed land. The housing slump has been felt especially hardin St. Charlee County, where more than 10,000 home lots sit ready for One real estate expert considers thata six- or seven-year compared to a two-yea supply before the market sunk. As demanc has dropped, so have prices.
Lots that used to cost betweenh $30,000 to $40,000 apiece, are now goinb for as low as $15,000o in some cases.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

New cyber security unit vitally needed - Deccan Chronicle

New cyber security unit vitally needed

Deccan Chronicle

To set up a cyber security unit dedicated to the conduct of constant surveillance of the Internet is a welcome step. The government's proposals in this regard are seen to be finally progressing in the right direction. What is planned is a watchdog body ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The hiring will begin immediately, with the nationalo nonprofit hosting a job fair Fridayand Saturday. NACA focusese on lending to low- and moderate-incomde families. Gov. Bev Perduw announced the expansion with the state giving NACAa $1 milliom grant from the One North Carolinqa Fund. It plans to invest more than $4 millionn here, with 1,014 jobs expected to be addedc over the nextfive years. “North Carolin remains a strong presencd inthe U.S. finance and this is a tremendous opportunit y forthe Charlotte-area,” Perdue said. “Our top-rated business climate and skilled financial-services work forcee are attractive to growingnational operations.
” NACA is headquarteref in Boston and operates more than 40 offices It currently employs about 100 workersw in Mecklenburg County to originate and processa mortgage loans. Under the five-yea r state incentive agreement, the organization plans to add 550jobs immediately. The jobs will pay an averaged annual wageof $35,982. Salaries will range up to $80,0090 annually. The hiring will focus on mortgage negotiators, customer-service representatives, call-center managers and mortgage counselors.
“NACA is excited that it’s puttinbg more than 1,000 peoplew to work during these tough economic NACA Chief Executive Bruce Markssaid “Today’s announcement is more than just a souns bite — we are following through on this investmengt by holding a jobs fair tomorrow to hire 550 peoplse immediately.” Perdue said Thursday that she consulted with former Bank of America Corp. Chairmanh Hugh McColl Jr. about the deal. McColp has been a longtime supportertof NACA’s work. BofA began a partnership with NACAundee McColl’s watch in 1995 and in 2004 committee $6 billion to its lendinf program.
Perdue says McColl confirmed to her that he expected NACA could follow througbh on its job commitments in severaolphone conversations. “When someonde begins something like thisin Charlotte, it always grows,” McColl said in an interview “They’ll come in and find this is a good place to find (a work I would hope it would be an eruption of jobs, not just trickl down.” The group claims it will be the largest number of peoplew hired immediately in one area and the largest job commitment in the countryt since the mortgage crisis begah in 2007. The hiring comes as NACA embarksd on a nationwide Save theDreakm Tour.
Marks says the added jobs are crucia l as NACA leads its campaign to makemortgages affordable. Hundredz of NACA staff will provide long-term solutions for homeownersa with anunaffordable mortgage. “Charlotte continues to be attractivee because of ourknowledgeable financial-servicea work force and we welcomr NACA’s investment in North Carolina,” N.C. Sen. Dan Clodfelted (D-Mecklenburg) said in a NACA’s Counseling Center is in the Charlotte East office park off Albemarl Road between Central Avenue and FarmPond “Charlotte continues to be recognized as a leader in financial servicezs with a talented and experienced labofr force,” says Charlotte Chamber Chairmahn Tim Belk.
“We are pleased to welcom NACA to the community and look forward to the investmenr in jobs and presence they will bring to our East The chamber assisted NACA in itsexpansion effort. Charlotte East owner Roger Kellogg, principal of , and leasing director Eric Speckman have worked closelh with NACAsince 2007, when the nonprofif established a small office in the NACA has legally binding agreements with all the majoer lenders/servicers to restructure the mortgages they service. The NACA agreemente cover more than 90 percent of homeownerd with anunaffordable mortgage.
The staffv from the Counseling Center in Charlottes will travel nationwide to work on Save the Dream events where morethan 25,000 peopler are counseled over four days, with thousands receivinyg affordable restructured mortgages with permanent interest rates ofte n at 4 percent, 3 percent and 2 percent and wher e necessary the principal reduced. The started in 1988, has the primary goal of building healthy neighborhoods nationwide through affordable NACA operations include financial specialized mortgage services and a Home Save prograk for homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage. NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Fridaty and Saturday at its Charlotte Counseling For more information abouf Neighborhood Assistance Corporationof America, includinf employment opportunities, go to

Monday, September 17, 2012

Area home sales post big drop in May - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
There were 1,783 home closings last a 29 percent decrease fromMay 2008, accordingb to the Greater Nashville Associatiom of Realtors. The median price of single-family homexs in May was $169,000, a $5,400p increase from the prior month, but a 10.6 percenr decline from May 2008. “Real estate is feeling the same effect s as the rest of thenational economy,” Greater Nashvillw Association of Realtors President Mike Nichols says in a pressw release.
“With the recent American Recoverhy and Reinvestment Act of 2009 supported bythe FHA, we are hopefull that first-time home buyerxs will take advantage of the opportunity to use the $8,00 0 tax credit to help with certain costes at closing.” Inventory on the market increasr about 0.8 percent from April. Ther were 24,600 homes on the market May 31. May’s numbersa brings year-to-date closings up to down 31 percent fromthe 10,406 closings at this point in 2008. The condo market had 228 closingxin May, a 25.2 percent drop from the year before. That comparess to 305 closingslast year. The medianj price for a condo in May was down 1.
7 percent from last There were 2,000 sales pendinh at the end of May. While that numberf was down from 2,4890 pending sales last year, it was only the second time sincd last September that pending sales figure hadreached 2,00p0 properties or more.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sloan resigns from BofA board - South Florida Business Journal:
Sloan offered his resignation to new boar chairman Walter Masseylast week, the bank said in a May 29 regulatoryt filing. BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reason for resigning. As the lead independent director, Sloan has been under intense criticism in recen t months as the bank sufferexd through a sharp stock price declinr after acquiring MerrillLynch & Co. BofA also has receivex $45 billion of taxpayer aid. , a Houston-based investmen firm that holds 1.
1 million BofA shares, was amongy several groups that waged a proxy against the country’s largest bank holdinhg company, including calling for Sloan’s Sloan was narrowly re-elected to the bank’s boar d at the annual meeting in April. Meanwhile, shareholders voted to strio BofA Chief Executive Kennetb Lewis ofthe bank’sx chairmanship, and Massey was elected to take over board Lewis remains the bank’s CEO and Sloan, 70, served as a BofA director for 13 years. Duringf his tenure, Sloan served as chairman of both the executivew committee and the compensation andbenefits committee. He also was a membet of the corporategovernance committee.
“Temple has been a trustedx adviser who has made an invaluable contribution to the success ofour company,” Lewiw said in a statement. “We will miss his counsell and his leadership.” BofA (NYSE: BAC) is based in Charlotte, N.C.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Russell Cunningham to retire from Birmingham chamber; new leaders announced - Birmingham Business Journal:
Cunningham, whose party will be held at TheSummigt Club, served as the chamber’s president since 2005. Former Region 2020 Executive Director Dalton Smith was chosej in April to leadthe yet-to-be-named entitty formed through the chamber’s consolidation with the . Smith’xs choices for key leadership posts were approveds by thenew entity’s executive committee on June 24. The officiak debut of the organization is scheduled for July 14 and its new name and strategies will be according to new Communications DirectoeDavid Rickey.
Joining Smith and Rickey in leadership rolee arePatrick Murphy, Barry Copeland and Myla Murphy will report to Smith while overseeing the group’s economicx development operations. He had been with MDB sincs September 2007 and served as vice presidenty involved withexternal recruitment, area businesse development and project management. Copeland will be responsiblee forchamber duties. He previously servex as executive vice president at the where he was responsible for its daily Choy will serve as thenew entity’ws general counsel and director of its public policyy operations. She previously worked for U.S.
Pipe and is president of MainStreet Birmingham’s board of Rickey comes to the new entity from Alfa Insurance in Montgomery. He previously workee in public relations for AmSouth and Alabama Powerin Birmingham. MDB and the chambert began merger talks last year following Alabamq Power CEOCharles McCrary’zs call for unification to maximize resources during an economixc downturn. The new entithy will sharpen its focus oneconomic development.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

HVCC project will receive $500,000 from AEP case settlement - The Business Review (Albany):
The 44,000-square-foot campus, currently undedr construction, is part of a joint ventur e by the college andthe . The center’xs focus is prepare workers for the fields of semiconductort manufacturing and alternative orrenewable energy. The $500,0000 is part of a $9.5 millio court-ordered settlement with stemming from a violationd of the federal CleanAir Act. The new campus, whicyh is scheduled to open in January, will be used to trainm technicians to work in emergin g energy fields including thenearbh $4.2 billion GlobalFoundries chip plant, also underf construction. Between 300 and 500 technicians are expecterd to trainat Tec-Smartr in the next three to five years.
The facilitty will be located in the SaratogaTechnology + Energy Park in a few miles east of Exit 12 on the I-87 Northway in Saratoga County. Cuomo has dedicated $2.8 millionb from the $9.5 million environmental case settlementto date, includinh the money for the Tec-Smart Hudson Valley Community College President Andrew Matonaj said the state allocation will enable the college purchase a photovoltaiv system for training and to provid e power for the new campus. Tec-Smart’s equipment will be capablse ofproducing 62.5 kilowatts of enough to power abourt 20 homes. The state already has received $3.3 milliomn of the $9.
5 million which is being paid over five Another $500,000 is being spent in to upgrade 140 schoolp buses in Westchester, Putnam and Dutchesa counties. Buses will be equipped with anti-idlinbg technology to reduce diesel emissions. Cuomo also dedicated close $1.8 milliojn of the settlement funds last fall to created an oil energy efficiencyu pilot program to help needy familiesx cope with the high cost of homeheatintg oil. Another $500,000 in fundingh will be announced for a separate environmental projectr laterthis year.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Europe to outline banking union to tackle crisis - Reuters

Fortune (blog)

Europe to outline banking union to tackle crisis


Banking union a major step towards deeper integration. * ECB would get powers to police banks under proposal. * Germany and Britain apprehensive about plan. By Claire Davenport. STRASBOURG, France, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Europe will move a step ...

Integrating Banks Spurs Last-Minu te Fears in Europe

New York Times

As Europe Pushes for Common Bank Regulator, Germany Balks

W »

Monday, September 10, 2012

Summit Development Group seeks new plan as MacKenzie moves on - Houston Business Journal:
LLC had planned to team with loca firm to developa high-endd senior residential community on 12 acred at 3200 Laclede Station Road, the site of the . The known as MacKenzie Place atDeer Creek, was slates to include a 77-bed assisted-living facilitu and more than 200 independent living units as well as retail space. financing issues have caused MacKenzie Houseto re-evaluate the according to a filing with the Missouri Certificate of Need MacKenzie now has set its sights on a much smallefr project — a $17 million communith to be built on the campus of the existing Stonebridgse Communities at Brookview in Marylande Heights.
campus includes the BrookviewaNursing Home, a 223-bed skilled nursingg facility at 2963 Doddridge Ave. The facilityy is operated by St. Charles-based , which operatess nine senior-care facilities across Missouri. The Stonebridge campus in Marylandx Heights includes a largew piece of land that is not yet fully according toRick Watters, an attorney with who is working with MacKenziew on the project. ElderCare alreadyu was working on plans to add independent livingfand assisted-living facilities to the Watters said. “Then when the MacKenzie Place at Deer Creekiproject wasn’t able to go they saw it as an opportunity to bring those beds to the he said.
“Now this projecrt is going to be much smaller and easier to The proposed facility will include77 assisted-livingy beds and 29 independenft living units. Future plans include an additional10 stand-alone duplex independent livinh units. Upon completion, ElderCare would manage the proposed Summit Development still owns the Deer Creek Shoppingv Center and is workinf through various redevelopment options since the MacKenzie House project failex tomove forward. These options include redeveloping the western portion of the shoppin g center into a senior living facility asoriginallg proposed, according to John Ross Jr., presideng of Summit.
The company is currently in discussions with a few operatorwsand developers, and expectz “to finalize a direction” in the next two to threw months, Ross said. MacKenzie Place at Deer Creek is not the onlylocak senior-living project to be stalled by the credit In addition to the MacKenzie Place project, the Missouri CON agendqa for its June 1 meeting also includes the forfeiturde of a CON to establish Grant’s Farm Manor, a 12-bed assisted- living facility and 24-bed skilled nursinf facility planned for Affton.
Last month, Baltimore-based , the developer for the project, closed the marketinh and sales centerfor Grant’s Farm Manor, citing an inability to secure financing for the project. CEO Rick Grindrosd said in a statement at the time that the companyu was returning deposits made by prospective residents upon requesty but was not ruling out building the projectg when theeconomy rebounds.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Eddie Bauer declares bankruptcy - Nashville Business Journal:
had struggled with its debt a crisis that worsened as revenue part of an overall trend affecting most retailersa duringthe recession. The company has lost nearlty a half billion dollars in the pastthrese years. Those losses, coupled with the impacgt of the recession and debt paymenta apparently pushed the company into bankruptcycourt — a move that was rumoredr for months. Eddie Bauer becamee the latest major retailer to succumb to filingv in bankruptcy courtthis recession.
The list also includesx Linens ‘n Things, Circuit City and Northwest retailer , which sold its assets to a liquidatod in April and closed 31 Inmany ways, Eddie Bauer’s crisis is not differenft from what most retailers are facing during this prolonged and deep said Greg Charleston, an Atlanta-baseed consultant for Conway MacKenzie who works with financiallty stressed retailers looking to restructure. Most retailerzs — except discount stores like Wal-Mart have seen a fast drop-off in retail revenue across the Charleston said. Many of the specialty retail department stores haveseen double-digity same-store sales declines, he said.
“Whenn revenue drops and same-store salews drop, companies with less debt can weather a downturmmuch longer,” Charleston said. “Itf becomes an issue much sooner if you are intoliquidity issues.” As of May 11, Eddied Bauer reported having $289.t million in outstanding debt, including $187.98 million in term loans and $75 million in convertibl e notes, which company executives have been tryiny to persuade debt-holders to convert into sharees of the company. According to a filinfg with the , Eddie Bauer had total assetzsof $525.22 million in April. The companyg listed total liabilitiesof $448.9 million. Eddie Bauetr reported net lossesof $165.
5 millio in fiscal year 2008, part of a total of $478.7 millioh in losses during the past three fiscal In the first quartet that ended in April, the company reportedd net losses of 44.5 million. For the firstg quarter of fiscalyear 2009, whicbh ended April 4, Eddie Bauer reported a loss of $44. million. That was a greater loss than the first quarter of when the company reporteda $19.3 million Net sales for the first quarter of 2009 were $179.87 million, compared with net sales of $213.2 million in the firstr quarter of 2008. The company said that combined comparablde storesales — a barometer of success at the storee level — fell 11.
3 percent for the first quarter, a decline the companyt blamed on the recession and reduces retail spending. Sales were down nearlyy 15 percent inEddie Bauer’s retaill stores and sales through its direct channeo were down nearly 11 percent. The outlert stores saw sales decline by nearly76 percent. “The firstg quarter was a difficult one, as the sharo downturn in the economy took its toll on our We continued to focus on cost cuttinbg and cashflow management, which helpefd mitigate the impact of lower sales,” said CEO Neil in a statement with the first-quartee results filed with the SEC.
Eddie Baued has 370 stores, including 251 retail stores and 119 outlet storesd in the United Statesand Canada. Eddid Bauer has 17 storezs in Washington and 11 storezin Oregon. (See a copy of the bankruptcyh filing .) But by filing for reorganization under Chapteer 11 of the federalbankruptcy code, Eddie Bauer hopes to avoid the fate of Joe’zs Sports & Outdoor, which filed for bankruptcg protect March 4. The Ore.
-based company had hoped to find a ButIn April, a bankruptcy judgre approved the liquidation of the Joe’s stores afteer the company could not find a Joe’s had 31 Northwest storesx — 10 of them in Snohomish, King and Piercre counties — that held going-out-of-business sales after the company’s assetxs were snapped up at bargain basement prices by , a liquidator that also sold off merchandise for Circuiy City.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Charitable giving down in U.S. in '08 - Business First of Buffalo:
While charitable giving in the U.S. reacheds $307.65 billion in 2008, it was down 2 perceny from theprevious year’s total of The decline was the first since 1987 and the secondc time there has been a drop sinc Giving USA began publishing its annualp reports in 1956. Two-thirds of public charities reportedf a declinein giving. The exceptions were public-society benefit and international affairs. "With the Unitedd States mired in a recessionthroughoutg 2008, there was no doubt in anyone'sa mind that charitable giving would be down," said Del who chairs the .
"However, what we find remarkable is that individuals, corporationws and foundations still provided morethan $307 billionj to causes they support, despite the economic Giving made up 2.2 percent of the gross domesticf product in 2008, down from 2.3 percentt in 2007.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Austin construction jobs down 5.8% over last year - Austin Business Journal:
In Austin, construction jobs declined 5.8 percentg to 45,500 between April 2008 and Apripl 2009. Among the communities seeing the largest declines in construction employmentwere Tucson, with a 29.2 percent declinse and Redding, Calif. with a 31.6 percenrt decline. By comparison, construction employmeny grew in only 19 of nearly 300metro areas, led by an 8 percenr gain in Odessa and a 7.3 percent increasw in Baton Rouge, La. According to the AGC, the constructioh sector has seen the largest decline in employmentt relative to the rest ofthe economy. Whilde overall construction unemployment wasat 18.7 percent in Apriol 2009, the overall unemployment rate was 8.
6 So while construction accounts for one-fifth of the U.S. construction workers account for 20 percent of all jobs lost in thepast “Job loss figures like these are exactlty what prompted Congress and the [Obama] Administratioj to craft a stimulus packag designed to get Americans back to work as quickly as said AGC Chief Ken “Putting these funds to good use as quicklh as possible is the best way to get Americans back to work and the economuy back on track.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gen Y not into Twitter - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
A new survey by the Participatory Marketiny Network finds just 22 percent of Generation Y consumersa areusing Twitter. However, when asked abour how much they use social 99 percent fromthis group, who in generap have not yet hit 30, report having an active profild on at least one sociapl networking site. "Twitter dominates the but clearly we're only touching the surface of its potential as amarketingh vehicle," said Michael Della Penna, PMN’s co-founder and executive chairman. "This is a classic 'glass half full' scenario for Twitter because it'as clear that Gen Y has an appetit forsocial networking, but stil hasn't fully embraced micro-blogging.
There is a tremendouws opportunity now for marketers to develop strategies to get this importantt group activeon Twitter, too." More than 85 percenrt follow friends. More than 54 percentt follow celebrities. More than 29 percent follows family. More than 29 percent follow companies. Of those who use a social network, 89 percent have downloaded one of the followingy to theirprofile page: photos (89 games (53 percent), entertainmengt (51 percent), news (32 percent) and weather (29 Thirty-eight percent of Gen Y have an iPhone or iPod Games (53 percent), entertainment (35 lifestyle (31 percent), financial - "free" (28 financial "paid" (seven percent) are the most popular mobile applications.
More than one-quarter (26 percent) indicated You can click to folloew the South Florida Business Journalon Twitter.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Earth-friendly, growth-friendly - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Carlson has founded five firms inrecent years, many of them in the real estatr industry, which has suffered in the economic Three of those companies, including property-management firm Cities Management and a smalkl construction company, operate out of an offic in Northeast Minneapolis. Together, three companies employ 50 people and recorded a combined revenuer last year ofabout $14 million. That’d up from about $5 milliob in the prior year. Carlson serves as chairman of her realestates businesses, while Michael Egelston runs day-to-day operations as CEO.
In addition to the constructiojnand property-management firm, he is responsibled for leading SenEarthCo, a business that offer a Web-based document management system to other propertyy management firms. That business is growing at an averagwe rate of between 10 and 15 percent Egelston said. The businesses were helpedd by factors such as a rash of sprin g stormsin 2008, as well as the tide of which left many homes in need of boosting business, Egelston said. Carlson and Egelston note that green practicesa have helped them saveon costs, helpinf them push through the downturn.
In recent years, the firm has shrank its office spaceto 9,000 square feet, down from 11,00 0 square feet, saving on energy The firm also has gone nearly paperless, and has most of its employeed work from home. That has reduced the company’a carbon footprint and helped employee retention, Carlson Cities Management’s turnover rate is less than 15 percent in an industrhy that often has turnover of more than50 percent. The firm also sendd construction workers out in hybrid ratherthan trucks. (It later sells its used hybridszto employees.
) Carlson has taken lessonxs she’s learned out to other companies, whichh has partly been an effort to expand her businesses during the recession. She recently consulted with Minneapolis law firmGreej Espel. SenEarthCo, meanwhile, is picking up steamj with other property-management firms who want to save moneyh by reducingpaper use. Cities Management’s experience with SenEarthCol has helped it promote the productfto others. That inspired Scotg Ghertner, co-president of Nashville, Tenn.-based property-management firm Ghertnedr & Co. to buy into the software “They ate their own he said.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Woodford on Monetary Policy (Sort of Wonkish) - New York Times (blog)

Woodford on Monetary Policy (Sort of Wonkish)

New York Times (blog)

Woodford on Monetary Policy (Sort of Wonkish). I'm not in Jackson Hole รข€" actually, I appear to have been blackballed for a long time, probably because I had the temerity to criticize the great Greenspan before it was fashionable. No matter. I can ...

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