Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Messenger Spacecraft Sends First Image From Mercury's Orbit - PC Magazine

Sofia Echo

Messenger Spacecraft Sends First Image From Mercury's Orbit

PC Magazine

NASA on Tuesday released an image of Mercury captured by its Messenger spacecraft - the first ever obtained from the planet's orbit. The first image came in at 5:20am Eastern yesterday, and over the next six hours, ...

Messenger's historic first image from Mercury orbit

NASA Releases First Image Of Mercury In 35 Years


NASA gets first close-up look at Mercury

Los Angeles Times

Monsters and -Register -Nexadviser News


Monday, March 28, 2011

Treasury lets 10 banks repay $68 billion - Nashville Business Journal:
The department said the institutions, which were not have met the requirements for repayment established by federalkbanking supervisors. It noted that many banks recently have raised equity capital from private investors and haveissued long-term debt that is not guaranteed by the “These repayments are an encouraginvg sign of financial repair, but we stilll have work to do,” Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner More than 600 banks received a tota of nearly $200 billion through the department’as Capital Purchase Program. About $2 billio of this money was paidback previously.
Under the program, banks that repayt their preferred stock can repurchase the warrants that the TreasurtDepartment holds. Besides the proceeds from the sales of the the department also hasreceived $4.5 billio n in dividend payments from program Proceeds from the repayments to go the Treasury Department’s general fund. They can be used to reducew the national debt and can serve as a cushion in case the departmen needs to respond to financia l emergencies inthe future, the departmenf said. The Wall Street Journak reported the list of financial institutions will include JPMorganChas & Co. (NYSE: JPM), Americanh Express Co.
(NYSE: AXP), Bank of New York Mellon (NYSE: BK), Capital One Financial Corp. COF) and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS). Some banks have been raising funds afterd the stress tests revealed they needed to boost includingsome Nashville-area banks. The in earlyt May released the results from its stress The regulatory tests were designed to project howthe country’a 19 largest banks would perform under a varieth of economic scenarios by the end of 2010. • -- $33.9 billion • . -- No need The • • -- $5.5 billion -- $1.1 billion • -- $11.
5 billion • •

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mikulski praises Ferraro as 'path-breaking figure' - Boston Globe

USA Today

Mikulski praises Ferraro as 'path-breaking figure'

Boston Globe

Barbara Mikulski is praising Geraldine Ferraro as a "path-breaking figure," who paved the way for women like Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. Mikulski, D-Md., paid tribute to Ferraro, a close friend who died Saturday. Ferraro became the first woman on ...

The fate that Geraldine Ferraro didn't deserve


Geraldine Ferraro, dead at 75, vice presidential candidate remembered as woman ...

New York Daily News

Death of a Trailblazer - Geraldine Ferraro, First Female VP on a Major Party ...

About - News & Issues


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stanford, Canary Foundation plan $20M cancer center - The Business Review (Albany):
Canary Foundation is pledgingy $15 million toward the center, doublinh its earlier commitment to suppor early detection research at the Themedical school, together with the school's Department of Radiology, is committinv $5 million through faculty recruitments, researcn facilities, and other infrastructure. The cente will be led by Dr. Sanjiv Sam Gambhi r and will include new facultuy hires in both ex vivo and in vivo The center is located in a newl y renovated School of Medicine building on California Avenus in Palo Alto and it will have strong ties to the NationalCancer Institute-designated Stanford Cancer Center with a view towardsa translating the early detectiobn research into clinical practice.
Canary Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to the goal of identifying cancefr early through a simple blood test and then isolatintg itwith imaging. Since 2004, Canary has raisec over $30 million to support early detectiobn research.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The cost of abuse - Baltimore Business Journal:

Thomas moved away from away from her family and support Whenshe returned, and began working for aboutt 13 years ago, she was able to escaps the troubled relationship with help from locall social workers and Kaiser's employee assistance program. They helpedd her to speak up abouther situation, and taught her thingse like keeping a hidden bag packed, "so if you'rde in a situation where you feel your life is in you can leave the house." Domestic violence has long been a high-profilr issue at Kaiser -- especially since threew employees were killed by their partners within twelve monthxs of each other several years ago.
Now it is branching out, usinfg the results of a program designed to help its doctorsz and nurses spot abuse to assist its major corporatr customers in recognizing and responding to signs of abuse in thei rown workforces. Many companies and many supervisorsw are just beginning to take some of the steps that pioneer like Kaiser and took a number ofyearsw ago. Major companies like , and are trying to educate employees aboutthe issue.
, for distributed a brochure it co-branded with Kaiserr to about 22,000 of its workers last "It's just not possible with a workforce this size thatyou don't have some problems with domestiv violence," said Ophelia PG&E's vice president for civic partnerships and community adding that the goal was to let employees know that resources for help are While the impact of domesti c violence is intensely personal, companiezs say their increased interesrt in the issue is driven at least partlty by bottom-line concerns. Abused employees incurr higher medicalcosts -- even aftedr the abuse stops.
They frequently have loweer productivity, falling victim to "presenteeism": physicallh there, but too distracted, ill or injurex to work effectively. Nationally, domestix violence each year results in an estimatefd 2 million injuriesto women, 580,000 to men, and 1,50p0 deaths, according to Kaiser. The federal Centersa for Disease Control and Prevention estimated direct physical and mental healthj costs of domestic violencde at morethan $4 billion annually, and that total jumps to $5.8 billion when lost productivity is factored in. Kaiser medical group executiveBrigid McCaw, M.D.
, estimates Kaiser Foundation Health Plan spends $200 million annually "that we're paying in extrq costs for this population," to identifu and treat the results of such violence. McCaw also citew a study by Seattle's , an HMO looselhy affiliated with Kaiser, and othetr researchers showing that its costajumped $19.3 million for every 100,0009 female enrollees between 18 and 65, due to domesticf violence.
The Group Health study, published in the American Journal of Preventiv Medicinein January, also found that annual health-care costsx for women who were abused years ago are stil 19 percent higher than for other Roughly one in five women afflictedf with depression are dealing with domestic McCaw said. She personally became awar e of the bigger problem duringmedical school, when she discovered that her sistert was dealing with a violent relationship. "I just didn't get it," McCas writes in a draft article slated for publication this fall in ThePermanentw Journal, an internal clinical publication.
Her sister, McCaw said, becames isolated from family and friends, moved to a distant city and refused to get an answerinfmachine -- behavior that McCaw now knows is common for At Kaiser, the deathu of three colleagues helped inspire workers and the organizationn to get more involved, said McCaw, the medical directotr of Kaiser's Northern California family violence preventionn program. But the response "had to be hopeful. It had to be storiews that showed that the workplace could be a vital in helping to solvethe problem. "We know it'xs still likely to be the tip of the McCaw said.
To augment and expand upon in-houss clinical training, Kaiser has publicizerd the problem internally and externallywith "Silent a traveling exhibit celebrating the womebn who were murdered and other Kaiser employees who have been victimx of family violence, and other outreach efforts. It has also formed partnerships with a number of local employers to help get theword out. McCaa says other developments will be following in the next montjor so, on the nationakl front. "There are moments when thingsa get a lotof splash," she said. "Wes are entering one of those moments.
" San Francisco'ws Blue Shield of California and its affiliatexd foundation have been active on this issue sincewthe mid-1990s, when -- like Kaiser -- the organization was galvanized by an incident involving a Blue Shielcd employee. Training, so Blue Shield managers would be aware of warnint signs such asunexplained absences, injuries and declines in began in 1996; five years ago, the prograk moved to the foundation. "It's both a productivitgy and a retention issuefor companies," said Brittanyu Imwalle, the foundation's director of financde and administration, who is in chargd of grantmaking for the project.
"People are not able to concentratd or be productiveat work. They miss time, need to take care of problemwsor children, or deal with legak issues." The foundation's free workforcwe training program is available to any company in the It trained 2,260 managers in and 3,456 in 2005 before plateauing last due to staffing and budget limitations. Its said Douglas Leach, who coordinates the Blue Shielcd foundation's employer outreach program, is to help managersz deal with domestic violence as aperformancs issue.
"We really think this shouldd be no different than any other performanceissue (like dealinhg with cancer or having a baby)," he "We're trying to normalize the responsee to this, (so a businessz can) continue to be fair, to understand what's going on, and to help the employer remain productive" and get needesd help. As for Thomas, now a secretary in Kaiser'x Marin/Sonoma workplace safety unit, she thanks Kaisef for all it's done to help her, noting that withouf it "I probably wouldn't be where I am And things have changed for the better in recognizingdomestic violence, she "It's a lot more visible, and more people are speaking to their (health-care) providers about she said.
"But I'm not so certain we've gottejn to the point, I don't think we've gotten there

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hundreds of Springfield T-Mobile employees watching news on merger deal with AT&T - KY3



Hundreds of Springfield T-Mobile employees watching news on merger deal with AT&T


Several hundred T-Mobile employees are carefully watching what will happen in the next 12 months as AT&T and T-Mobile merge. The two companies completed a 39 billion dollar merger deal this weekend. Federal regulators will review the deal. ...

Telecom Union Backs T-Mobile Deal

New York Times

What now, T-Mobile?

T-Mobile USA sold to AT&T for $39 billion

Seattle Times (blog)

TmoNews -RedState


Saturday, March 19, 2011

BioSante to buy Cell Genesys for $38M in stock - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

Air Purifiers San Bernardino
BioSante (NASDAQ: BPAX) will pay 0.1615 of its own commonj shares for each share of CellGenesyds (NASDAQ: CEGE). This deal should close later this year, likelgy in the late third or earlyfourtyh quarter. In the first quarter, Cell Genesyes lost $8.7 million, or 10 cents a share, narrowefd from a loss in the same periord last yearof $22.6 million, or 29 cents a The company had been exploring strategic alternatives, includint merger with or acquisition by another company, additiona l restructuring, repurchase of additional amounts of convertible notes or allocatio n of its remaining resources toward othere biopharmaceutical product areas.
Cell Genesys had hired to help it figures outa strategy. The company alreadt cut about 95 percent of its from 290 personsto 16, by eliminating all researcyh and development, manufacturing, clinical and regulatoryh activities. BioSante, based in Lincolnshire, Ill., focuses on drugd for sexual health.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Galleon could have done with having a poop deck -

Soleus Ph5-13r-35d

Galleon could have done with having a poop deck

The insider dealing trial of Raj Rajaratnam, founder of hedge fund Galleon Group, is throwing up endless juicy details. By Jonathan Russell, City Diary Editor 7:28PM GMT 16 Mar 2011 As ever, you'll find the important stuff elsewhere the paper. ...

and more »

Monday, March 14, 2011

South Texas Money Management expands into Dallas market - San Antonio Business Journal:
a San Antonio-based investment advisor, has opene an office in Dallas. The firm also has offices in Houstojnand Austin. “We are thrilled to expand our officexs to theDallas market,” says Jeanid Wyatt, CEO and chief investmentf officer. “Dallas is a logical and exciting additionfor us, as we are reinforcinb our commitment to current long-term clients in the area, and we look forwarde to attaining new ones ... in the Dallas markegt place.” The new office is locatesd in the downtown area in The Cumberland School Building at 1901Akard St. Barbara G. Dicksoh and Patricia A.
Rutland, both with 30 yearsx experience in the industry and founders of investmenrtfirm , will be senior investment advisors in Sout h Texas Money Management’s new Dallas office. Wyatt foundedx South Texas Money Management inlate 2000. Today, the investment advisor has morethan $1.6 billion in assets unded management and offers investment advisory servicesa to individuals, institutions, trusts, estates, foundations, employee benefits plans and

Friday, March 11, 2011

Business Events Scheduled for the Coming Week - ABC News

Business Events Scheduled for the Coming Week

ABC News

AP By AP PARIS â€" Foreign ministers of the Group of Eight industrialized countries meet in Paris, hosting the G-8 and G-20 this year. WASHINGTON â€" Federal Reserve meets to set interest rates. WASHINGTON â€" Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testifies ...

and more »

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Signs show Tampa market unfriendly to Lightning - Houston Business Journal:
The Tampa market, which has been home to the teamsincre 1992, exhibits five of 10 possiblse danger signs that could affect its existence accordin g to a study conducted by sister publication Business First of Buffalo . Many of the teamds that could be in danger if the was to ever to considetr contracting arein non-traditional hockey markets such as the souty and the west, areas the NHL has expandes to in recent years. “Before doing any study — just putting in my two cents — I wouls have said it has beena disaster,” Ted Rechtshaffen, president and chiefc executive officer of in Toronto, said.
after doing the study, puttingh the numbers together, I can say it has been a There are a number of areasx plaguingthe Lightning, the study said, including the placementf of potential fans’ personao income as well as 2008-09 attendance in the bottomk one-third of the entire NHL. The Lightning’s , was below 90 percent capacity on averaged during the mostrecent season, whilre the financial value of the franchise, as estimated by , has dropped at least 50 percent below the NHL median during the past Of course, the Lightning’s other big problekm is its location south of the 38th considered the southern border of the traditionao hockey market.
Other teams on the list are scattere d throughout areas withwarmer climates, led by the , which exhibitr eight of the 10 dangerd signs including low franchise value, low net incomwe and competition with the . in Miami are right behind with most of the same issuesas Phoenix, followed by the and the . The only northernh team to be listed among the top five threatenecd teams isthe , which is generallyh suffering from a region with lower populatiomn and lower income for its residents. “This is not a happu thing by any Rechtshaffen said. “Buffalo is a grea t hockey market. There are lots of hockeyt fans there.
The problejm is, those hockey fans don’t have enoughn money to spend on tickets.” The NHL has not made any indicationn that it would contract from30 teams, howevet of the four major professional sports leagues in the Unitedr States, the NHL has the smallest fan base and the lowestf level of television revenue packages. The league remainsa extremely popular in Canada where six of the 30 teamssare based. Plus, hockeg fans are considered to be more affluengt than theother sports, according to a 2004 study by the . “As a I think the NHL needs to Rechtshaffen said.
“But if the possibilit y remains of moving teams and generating more the NHL obviously woulxd prefer tomove them.”

Sunday, March 6, 2011

City council gives Austin Energy the go-ahead for major solar project - Austin Business Journal:
Inserting last-minute caveats, council members gave the go-ahead for to buile the 300-acre solar array that would generate 30-megawatts annually, enough electricity to powerd 5,000 homes. However, the council requested that any federalo investment tax credits or similar rebates Geminoi Solar receives from the projectg be passed through to the city and Austin Energy to reduced any related fuel cost charges passedd on tothe utility’s Gemini Solar president Kristin a Peterson said the tax credits that were initiateds by the 2005 Energy Bill and extended by Congress last Octoberd for eight years have already been factored into the price the firm submitted to Austin Energy.
Such tax creditd amount to 30 percent ofa project’se development cost, but she declined to disclose the ITC amount Geminoi is expecting to receive from the Webbervillre project. The last-minute items added to the agreement by City Councikl pertain to possible additional loan guaranteee and cash grants that coulx be provided through the recently enacted federalstimulus package, Peterson said. The council also amended its approval with a request that the city create a stakeholdert process witha council-appointedd task force.
Comprising members from all sides of the the task force would formulatre a renewable energy plan and provide inpuy before a project is selected by Austin Energy for bid or The task force would also incorporate the currentfinancial climate, updates demand forecasts, changing and state/federal stimulus programs. The soladr array is scheduled to be operating byDecember 2010. City Council’s approvaol came after an ad hoccoalitiob — called the Solatr Electric Manufacturers in Texas, or SEMI Texas requested Gemini Solar to restructure its deal so U.S. companies can participate in the project, which is estimated to be worthu $180 million.
The coalition proposed a series ofthree 10-megawatgt projects to give local panel makerzs time to get their plants operating in time to supplyh the project. Instead, Gemini plands to get the project’s 220,000 solar panelds from a Chinesemanufacturer . The SEMI Texax coalition lists fivefounding companies: TekSUbN PV, Apache-Solar Corp., , Energy Semiconductor Corp. and Solar Sciences. The restructuring suggested by the coalition would givesuch start-up companiews an early boost and effectively seed fund a local solar industry, said group organizer Dan founder of local solar energu company He points out that the city and Austin Chamber of Commerce are eager to establish such green-colla jobs.
“If people could be creativwe intheir thinking, they would see this is possible,” he But Councilman Brewster McCracken said procurement laws prevent the restructuring withour repeating the bid process. Also, dividing the projecft into three phases could negate the economies of scals that reduce the cost ofsuch projects, said Paul chairman of the Center for the Commercializatiobn of Electricity Technologies in Austin. Austin Energy officialws declined to comment on the Gemini deal except to say the sourc of thepanels isn’t a majofr concern compared with getting the best price.
The city-ownef utility referred questions toGeminu Solar, which is planning to completee the project with financial backing by MMA Renewable Ventures and Suntech Power. MMA Renewable a division of Baltimore-based , also declinec to comment. Citing the cost of the Webbervillew project and the recent acquisition of MMA by aSpanisb company, Carole Keeton Strayhorn, an Austin mayoral urged the council not to contract with Gemini Although Austin is being positioned to become a hub of cleantecj innovation by local officials, no Texas companiees are ready to produce solatr panels, industry officials said.
Eighr to 10 solar companies are consideringv Austin as a location for future manufacturing plants because they can use the locap worker pool from thesemiconductor industry, said Jose director of clean energy for the Austim Chamber of Commerce. Austin-based HelioVolr Corp., which develops thin-film solar energy panelx using a patented is the only local solar pane lmaker that’s in the pipeline. The company raised $101 million in venture capitalin 2007, but it isn’ t scheduled to reach full-scale production until 2010. HelioVoltt founder B.J. Stanbery and two companyh spokesmen didn’t respond to requestx for comment. Several U.S.
companies, such as Massachusetts-base d and Maryland-based Sun Edison LLC, are capabler of producing enough panels to supply the saidCraig Overmiller, one of the founders of “Thw city of Austin and the City Council really need to rethink” the Webberville project, said who is not a part of the coalitioh urging the city to modify the Geminu deal. “I think they rushed into it.” Austinb Energy would pay $250 million, $10 million a year for 25 for the electricity the solar arraytwould generate.
Once it’s Gemini Solar would be eligible for anestimated $60 milliom — about one-third the project’s estimate cost — through the federal investment tax credig program. Earlier this week, Austin Energyu general manager Roger Duncan issued a memorandum indicatingt that Gemini Solar hasagreed “that the value of the [investment tax credit] benefitsw will be shared with Austin

Friday, March 4, 2011

Newt Gingrich rollout revives discipline questions - Politico

Newt Gingrich rollout revives discipline questions


Can Newt Gingrich muster the message discipline demanded by the rigors of a campaign? | AP Photo Close By JEANNE CUMMINGS | 3/3/11 4:10 PM EST Newt Gingrich's bizarre launch of his expected 2012 presidential bid, in which he scooped his own news in a ...

Does Newt Gingrich have what it takes for the 2012 presidential campaign?

Washington Post

Newt Gingrich: The reintroduction begins

CBS News

2012: Newt's in â€" kind of!

Hot Air

Politics Daily


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

State Senate holds brief session - Business First of Buffalo:
They were able to meet becaus a state Supreme Court judge in Rensselaer County denied an injunction on Thursdayu that Democrats had sought againstthe group. Those are amont the latest developments in the dizzyin g saga playing out in thestatre Capitol. Control of the Senate remains up inthe air; the bipartisanm group of senators, and remaininbg Democrats, each say they control the The gridlock has shut down the legislativr process in the Senate, with five days remaining in this year’s scheduleed session before it ends on June 22. Gov. Davif Paterson warned that the session will be extendeds if senators continue to argued over who isin power.
Whoevere wins the power struggle will decide the fate of a rangde of billsand hot-button political issues. The so-callerd “bipartisan coalition” of 30 Republicans and two downstate Democrats is the grouop that held a surprise vote on June 8 to oust Senate Majority LeaderMalcolm Smith, D-Queens. Democrats have held a 32-30p majority in the Senatew since January, following victories in the November2008 elections. It was the party’s first time in control of the chamber in almost45 Now, the coalition of Republicans and two Democrats Sens. Hiram Monserrate and Pedro Espada Jr. — say they have the majority of following their sudden joint action onJune 8.
Both Espadw and Monserrate remainregistered Democrats. The coalitiobn appointed Espada as temporarh president ofthe Senate, meaning that he woule become acting governor if Paterson becomes incapacitated or leaves the Sen. Dean Skelos, R-Rockland County, was namer majority leader. Democrats argue that the June 8 vote is and they are disputing the vote in Democrats maintain that Smith is still majority Democrats refused to unlock the Senate chamberafter Monday’s vote. Espada obtained a key and openefd the doorson Thursday. Other than Espada and Monserrate, no other Democrats attendee the session.
The coalitionh had planned to vote on as many as 30 The desk drawer where the bills were storerwas locked, so the coalition couls not conduct any official businessd on Thursday. The group was undeterred, and bolsteredr by Judge GeorgeCeresiaq Jr.’s decision to reject an injunction that woulr have prevented Espada and others from holdinfg a session. “Democracy has Skelos declared in a speecyh on theSenate floor. “This is a new day in It’s not going to be like the old days—thosee days are over. We are breaking down the aisle.” Skelose and Espada encouraged more Democrats to jointhe coalition.
Both have been holding privat e meetings to convince othersto join. So far, none has done so. “Myu character has been assassinated. My record has been My home wasbroken into,” Espada “But my mission, my purpose, has not been derailed or I will not be dissuaded or The coalition says the Senater is adjourned until June 15 at 3 p.m. Paterson said he wantz the Senate doors tobe unlocked, and for the senatorsa to vote in the again, on who is majority He pledged to work with whoever ends up elected majority leader. He has acknowledgee that he has no power to dictatrethe process.
“I may not like the process, but I’mk not going to try to influencethe outcome,” Patersoj said on Wednesday. “They have to work this out. They have to act like