Take , the French maker of telecommunications equipmengt that employsabout 2,000 people in Plano. The companyt this week unveiled a programcalled “Broadband for which provides advisory services to help telecom carriers, cities and others apply for funds from more than $7 billio n aimed at providing high-speed Internet services in rural areas of the Alcatel-Lucent helps clients apply for government including preparing applications for grants and following up on The business is holdinv regional in-person seminars and online “Webinars” about the fundiny process and promises to act as an advocatd for clients before the two agencie s that are administering the broadband money, the U.
S. Commercee Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration andthe U.S. Departmenty of Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service. Alcatel-Lucent makeas equipment for sending lots of data very quickly over both wireliner andwireless networks. “We are a broadband says Rich Wonders, vice president of strategic marketinbg forthe company’s Americas region. “Axs a result of when our customers are looking at expanding or buildingnew that’s a place where we need to Also aboard the stimulus bandwago is California-based , which employs more than 1,00p0 people in Richardson.
“Given the complexity and sheere size ofthe package, we are carefully reviewing the detaila to determine the specific areas wherre we can help our customersz contribute to the succesd of a program or initiative,” says Jennifer a Cisco spokeswoman, in an There are opportunities and challenges to be had for companiees that want to help guide othere through the stimulus according to Peter McKee, a partner in the corporatee securities section of Andrews Kurth in Dallas.
“Thiss is an extraordinary time, in the sensew that external events are changingso rapidly,” says who co-chairs Andrews Kurth’s Economic Recoverg and Government Opportunities Task “Calibrating strategy may be necessary on a day-to-day basis.”
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