Thursday, December 6, 2012

to the feds’ new Health Information TechnologyPolicg Committee, which was createc as part of the economic stimulus PAMF said Thursday. Tang, an early promoter of electronicvmedical records, is an internal medicine vice president and chiefg medical information officer at Palo Alto Medical Foundation, part of the a medical group and clinical networ with approximately 900 physicians on staff. The new 13-member committewe will advise the U.S.
Health and Human Services secretar and the head of the Office of the National Coordinato r for Health Information Technology on creatintg a policy framework for the adoption of electronic healtuh records and development of anationwide health-carr IT infrastructure to permit electronic exchange and use of healtn information. Tang told the San Francisco Business Times on Thursdayu that a number of key issuee need to be resolved relatively soon in order to meet theObama administration’s and the stimulus package’s “aggressive for moving hospitals and doctors into the era of electronidc medicine.
Those include defining a key term in the which requiresthat health-care providerw show they’re making “meaningfulo use” of IT in their and determining what criteriaq to use for certifying electronic health records systems that qualify for “It’s definitely an aggressivse timetable,” Tang told the Business Times, “but I don’t think it’s impossible.” Hospitals and doctord are hoping to qualify for federall health-care IT stimulus funds by but the exact timing of when stimuluzs funds will start to flow is also uncertaih at present.
Another Bay Area representative, Davifd Lansky, president and CEO of San Francisco’ , was also named to the which is expected to play a significan t role in framingnational health-care IT policy. Lanskg will represent health-care’s purchasers’ perspective. The economif stimulus act includes $17.2 billion in grants and incentives for hospitalss and physician practices thatare “meaningful of EHRs to improve care and enhance quality.
The Recovery Act requiresd the comptroller to name committee members to represent 10 sector ofthe health-care industry, including providers, consumer labor unions, health plans, researchers and IT Tang was selected to represent health-care Tang oversees the foundation’s EHR and integrated personao health record system, PAMFOnline, officials Under his leadership, PAMF becamer an early adopter of an EHR syste in 1999; the majority of U.S. hospitalsx and many clinics and medical officese have yet todo so. Tang is a membef of the Institute of Medicine and was one ofthe “5 0 Most Powerful Physician Executives in named by Modern Physiciamn magazine.
Christine Bechtel, vice president, Nationa l Partnership for Womanand Families. Arthur Davidson, Public Health Informatics, Denver Public Health Department, Adam Clark, researchj and policy director, . Marc chief information officer, Intermountain Healthcare. Scotg White, assistant director and technologyprojecft director, Local 1199 SEIU Training and Employment Fund. LaTanya Sweeney, director, Data Privacyy Lab, Carnegie Mellon University. Neil president and chief executive officer, Institute for Family Health. Conniee Delaney, dean, University of Minnesota Schoopof Nursing. Charles Kennedy, vice presidenft of Health Information Technology, .
Judith Faulkner, CEO, president and chairman of board, Epic Systems. David Bates, medical directore for clinical andquality analysis, Partnerws HealthCare/ .

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