Saturday, December 29, 2012

Houston Community College receives funds from Gates Foundation, MDC - Houston Business Journal:
million grant from the and Chapel Hill, N.C.-based . HCC will receive $743,000 over a three-yea period to expand its Achievingthe Dream: Community Colleges Count program, a multiyear nationa l initiative aimed at boosting community colleg graduation rates among low-income and minority Funds will go toward tutoring, career exploration, peer support and othefr services. The program is designee to ensure students not only get off to a successfupl startin college, but also received the assistance they need to persist and succeed. Every year, nearly 40 percent of degree-seeking studentx in Texas must take remedial classes in order to build basiccacademic skills, according to the .
Among thosee taking remedial classes, nearly two-thirdxs do not graduate, according to studies. Fundsa were given to both the state of Texaes and three other community collegeszin Texas. The grants given in Texas are part of alargeer $16.5 million national effort. Eleven collegeds in four other states received similarr grantsof $743,000 over threse years from the Gates Foundation to build upon the promisingf work developed under Achieving the Dream. has committedx $1.5 million to this initiative for evaluationand communications.

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