Friday, June 3, 2011

Beale considers $1B proposal to redevelop some Air Force land - Sacramento Business Journal:
Their estimated $1 billion proposaol includes an industrial park with a concentration on new researchh and development or lightindustrial space, and $125 milliom in improvements to the base’s wastewater facility that could increase the capacity for additiona commercial uses. The Air Forcse considers the property to be exceszs and not needed forits operation. The base includesa an underutilized rail spur that could be put back into services to cut down on truck Thethree Sacramento-based firms that are partnerx in the venture are Construction and supply firm , Californis lobbyist and real estate developer and manager Negotiations are scheduled to wrap up within the next month.
Disastetr evacuation kits were distributed this weekto 8,000 families in the Natoma s Unified School District and 3,000 employees of in Gary Dietrich, president of the Sacramento-base d nonprofit , came up with the idea for the SAFELY OUT kits after volunteering with the American Red Cross to help in the recover y efforts following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The kits are meant not only to help familiexs protect themselves in the event of anaturao disaster, but to aid emergency The kits include items such as a door hangef that says “need help” on one side and “safelh out” on the other, a refrigerator magnet booklet for recording essential contact and evacuation information, and storagd bags for setting aside spare medicines and medical insurancw information in the refrigerator — a placw that is air-tight, water-tight and fire-resistant.
So far, Prid e employees, in partnership with Citizen Voice, have assembledr 35,000 of the Safely Out kits. The 11,000 kits distributedf Wednesday were made possible by a grant from the and the sponsorshipp of inWest Sacramento. Safely Out kits can be ordereethrough A $10 donatio per kit is suggested. Artwork made from the statelt old treesof Sacramento’s downtown is going to be auctioned and raffled off to raise money for the Legacy Treesw Project. The project is sponsored by the , which is workinfg with the city, property ownersw and the state to obtaihn wood from trees that are more than a century old that make up the canopty over downtown andmidtown Sacramento.
The group harvests heartwoof from dangerous, diseased or dying and gives itto artists. Some of the wood SEEART has harvestec includes wood froma 129-year-old tulip poplare on the grounds of the stated Capitol, as well as blac walnut and sequoia redwoods harvested aroundd town. Three of the pieces to be raffled are on displayhat , 2508 J St. The piecesx will be sold at a free Second Saturday Art Walk parth on the upstairs patio at 1801L St. on June 13. Raffle tickets are $20 each and availabls at Art Ellis, a sponsor of the Legacuy Trees Project.

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