Monday, February 7, 2011

Horny Goat to open brewpub in Walker
The craft beer brewer has purchase d a building at2011 S. Firsg St., the site of the formed Milwaukee Pump House barand grill. Horngy Goat hopes to open the which will be known asHornu Hideaway, on the site by “It’s a beautiful location,” said Jim Horny Goat managing partner, chiefd executive officer and co-owner. “It took us six to eighyt months to finda site.” Horny which formed last year as a businesas entity, currently has office space in the town of Raymond in Racinde County as well as on Milwaukee’x south side.
Retail accounts purchased morethan 3,000 casews during the first week of availability, depleting Horny Goat’ws stock, Sorenson said. About 4,000 casesd were sold during April, he said. Horny Goat’xs current beer brands include: Belgiahn Wheat, the company’s flagshipo brand; Exposed, a farmhouse ale; and Hopped Up ’N Horny, a pale ale. All of Hornh Goat’s beers currently are produced by in Stevens Horny Goat plans to brewsome new, higher-end beers, such as an imperial stout, an imperial pilsnedr and a double white ale, at the new Horny Goat is attempting to generate businesds through “quirky” advertising and marketing initiatives, Sorenson said.
The company’s “street which includes about 16 interns, has been travelinh throughout the Milwaukee area in a yellows Hummer H2 vehicle offering product samples and giveawaysto customers. Plans are under way to add vehicles to the Sorenson said. The company also has launched a seriez of localradio advertisements. Horny Goat also will offef clothing and other merchandises at the brewpub and through itsWeb site. “We’ve triedc to create an experience that puts a smilron people’s faces, while providin g premium craft beer,” Sorenson said, The company also planw to continue to builds “strategic” partnerships, Sorenson said.
One partnershilp already in place iswith , the Milwaukes maker of Usinger’s brandf sausage and meat products, which has provided sampler brats to complement Horny Goat’s brewss at bars, grocery stores and special events. “Aws we expand, we’ll continue to look for additional distributio and partners that will help us buile onthis foundation,” Sorenson said. A partnership with a locallhy owned company like HornyGoat “mades sense,” said Jon Gabe, vice president of sales and marketinfg for Usinger. “It’s an inexpensivde way to reach a lot of he said.
“We subscribe to (Sorenson’s) theory that if people try your productfor free, they will go lookingy for it.” Gabe admitted that Horny Goat isn’t representative of Usinger’s typical business partner. “Horny Goat is probably a little edgierthan Usinger’s, but we don’t thinko that’s a bad thing for us,” he said. Horny Goat currently has about 20 employees, including the team of interns. Ray Klimovitz and John Hannifamn have been hiredas brewmasters. Sorenson declined to say how much money he and a a prominent Racine County businesse executive who did not want tobe named, have investede in the business.

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