Sunday, February 27, 2011
Kansas Health Policy Authority will cut 14 jobs - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
According to a release, 13 staff members were informedc Friday that their jobs would be effectiveJuly 2. Authority spokesman Peteer Hancock said in an interview Monday that the polic director position also will be eliminated as executive staff positions are reduced from fiveto four. Barb Langnetr will move out of that position to serve as actingMedicaidx director, according to the release. Hancoco said that the authority’s operational budget has been cutby $3.5 milliohn for the fiscal year that begin July 1.
According to the release, the authoritg also is reducing spending with the contractor that processesa claims for payment under Medicaidr and theState Children’s Health Insurance That move is expected to save $3.6 Savings from the contract reductions are sharedr with the federal government, which funds more than half of Medicaidr administrative costs, according to the release. The authorit is responsible for coordinating a statewide health policy agendq that incorporates effective purchasing and administration with healthpromotion strategies. All healthg insurance purchasing by the state is combinefd underthe authority.
The authority also is responsiblse for compiling and distributing uniform health care data to provids healthcare consumers, providers and policy-makers with information regarding trends in the use and cost of healthy care for improved decision making.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Chinese dissident sent to labor camp again - Reuters
Chinese dissident sent to labor camp again Reuters By Sui-Lee Wee BEIJING (Reuters) - A Chinese woman who campaigned against a strict one-child policy was taken from her home to a labor camp Thursday, three days after she was released from detention early on medical parole, her husband said. ... |
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
SAHA to spend $14.5 million on local housing project upgrades - Philadelphia Business Journal:
million in federal stimulus funds to repaire and upgrade a number of publicxhousing properties. Out of 349 housinv authorities in Texas that received money from the Americab Recovery andReinvestment Act, San Antonio Housing or SAHA, received the largesft amount. SAHA is required to use the money for capital improvementws and all the funds must be spent withinthree “These funds will allow us to make much-needefd repairs to our public housing propertiesd and improve the safety and quality of life for our SAHA President and CEO Lourdes Castrp Ramirez says.
Among the properties slated for majot upgrades is the Lewis Chatham a 119-unit apartment complex for seniors on the city’w South Side. Lewis Chatham also will undergo an extensive In addition, stimulus funds will be used to upgraded the security, elevators and fire safety at nearlyt 20 elderly communities. Other projects will involvs replacing fencing, windows, cabinets, and heating, ventilation and air conditioninfg systems. SAHA Board Chairman Ramirko Cavazos says the agency will encourage the participation of smalland minority-owned businesses.
“We will also give additionall weight to contractors that commit to actively recruiting employees from the neighborhoods in and around wherwe this workwill occur,” he SAHA will issue requests for proposalds to perform engineering and architectural servicess related to stimulus-approved projects. Web
Saturday, February 19, 2011
NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - Portland Business Journal:
The hiring will begin immediately, with the nationak nonprofit hosting a job fair Fridahand Saturday. NACA focuse s on lending to low- and moderate-incom families. Gov. Bev Perdue announced the expansiobn Thursday, with the state giving NACA a $1 million gran t from the One NorthCarolina Fund. It plans to invest more than $4 millio here, with 1,014 jobs expectec to be added over the nextfive years. “Nortg Carolina remains a strong presenced inthe U.S. finance and this is a tremendous opportunity for the Perdue said. “Our top-rated business climate and skilled financial-serviced work force are attractive to growingnationalp operations.
” NACA is headquartered in Boston and operates more than 40 officese nationwide. It currently employs abouft 100 workers in Mecklenburg County to originate and procesmortgage loans. Under the five-year state incentivee agreement, the organization plans to add 550 jobs The jobs will pay an average annual wage of Salaries will range upto $80,0090 annually. The hiring will focus on mortgaged negotiators, customer-service representatives, call-cente managers and mortgage counselors. “NACA is excited that it’ss putting more than 1,000 people to work during thesse tougheconomic times,” NACA Chief Executive Bruce Marks said Thursday.
“Today’s announcement is more than just a souncbite — we are following through on this investment by holding a jobs fair tomorrow to hire 550 people Perdue said Thursday that she consulter with former Bank of America Chairman Hugh McColl Jr. about the deal. McColpl has been a longtime supportedrof NACA’s work. BofA began a partnershi p with NACAunder McColl’s watch in 1995 and in 2004 committed $6 billiom to its lending program. Perdue says McColl confirmed to her that he expectexd NACA could follow throughh on its job commitments in severalphone “When someone begins something like this in it always grows,” McColl said in an interviews Thursday.
“They’ll come in and find this is a good placr tofind (a work force). I wouldf hope it would be an eruptionjof jobs, not just trickle down.” The group claimws it will be the largestg number of people hired immediately in one area and the largestr job commitment in the country since the mortgaged crisis began in 2007. The hiring comes as NACA embarks on a nationwide Save theDream Tour. Marks says the addec jobs are crucial as NACA leads its campaignm to makemortgages affordable. Hundreds of NACA staffg will provide long-term solutionxs for homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage.
“Charlotte continues to be attractive because of ourknowledgeable financial-servicezs work force and we welcome NACA’s investment in Northg Carolina,” N.C. Sen. Dan Clodfelter said in a release. NACA’s Counseling Center is in the Charlottd East office park off Albemarled Road between Central Avenue and FarmPond “Charlotte continues to be recognized as a leader in financiaol services with a talented and experiencef labor force,” says Charlotte Chambert Chairman Tim Belk. “Wse are pleased to welcome NACA to the communityu and look forward to the investmenf in jobs and presence they will brinfg to ourEast side.
” The chamber assistedf NACA in its expansion Charlotte East owner Roger Kellogg, principal of , and leasin g director Eric Speckman have worked closely with NACA since 2007, when the nonprofitr established a small office in the park. NACA has legallu binding agreements with all themajor lenders/servicers to restructurs the mortgages they service. The NACA agreements cover more than 90 percent of homeowners with anunaffordablr mortgage.
The staff from the Counseling Center in Charlotte will trave l nationwide to work on Save the Dream evente where morethan 25,000 people are counseled over four with thousands receiving affordable restructured mortgages with permaneny interest rates often at 4 3 percent and 2 percent and where necessary the principal reduced. The organization, started in 1988, has the primary goal of buildinyg strong, healthy neighborhoods nationwide through affordable NACA operations include financial specialized mortgage services and a Home Save prograk for homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage. NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridayy and Saturday at its CharlotteCounseling Center.
For more informatiom about Neighborhood Assistance Corporationof America, includinfg employment opportunities, go to
Thursday, February 17, 2011
What value? Triad brokers, appraisers find fewer 'comps' - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
A good, current comp of a completed transaction can tell how much a properth is worth with the level of accuracy that buyerd and sellers and the lenders who will finance a deal canrely on. The more recenty transactions there are, the better the odds that for any given realestate deal, something similar has sold lately nearby. But the downtur in both residential and commercial real estatre activity makes such comps hardedrto find, and the problem gets worse as slow salez persist, according to Michael Clappp of Winston-Salem-based appraisal firm Michael S. Clapp Associates.
“A lot of the sales we’ve been particularly for residential appraisals, were May, July transactions” from last year, before salexs slowed most dramatically in the he said. “Those are aging out for us. We’rw starting to get some more in because of the spring markety and that helps a but we’re still quite a bit behind.” Absent a marketr rebound, there’s not a lot that can be done to addresws the problem on the residential side.
Appraisers have to broaden the scop oftheir comps, gointg back further in time and measuring againsy less similar properties, which reduces the accuracy of the “We lived in a different worle 12 months ago,” said Kevinj Kemp, a partner with . The lack of compsx is an issue for commercialappraisale too, but there are alternative ways to value a piecre of property that is used for business, said Tom Taylore of the Greensboro appraisal firm Taylor Pope and Properties such as multitenant office buildings can be valued by the amoung of income they for example, Taylor said.
The “cap rate” takes into accounty both income and sales price so a lack of comparablr sales still makes the appraisal but the rental stream at least provides some current data togo by, he Of course, the recession also has an impact on leasingg activity, so some propertiesw may not have a lot of current income to valuw either, Taylor noted. “Wity a lot of vacancy, may have to lower their rent toattract tenants, and that impacts the value,” he “It is a problem, but it’s just what we’vwe all got to work with.
” On the brighrt side, neither appraiser felt the lack of comparablse sales with which to value properties would scuttle enougg deals on either the residential or commercialo side to become a major drag on the market But in some cases buyers and sellers who can’r make the valuation numbers work for a traditional deal are havinbg to get creative, said Sean Dowell of brokeragde and appraisal firm in Greensboro. He said he was involvee in one recent transaction in whichy a company that both owned a buildiny in North Carolina and hada $2.
5 millionn lease commitment in California essentially gave the building it owned to its landlorcd in return for being let out of the lease in California. The company was facing a downsizing but coulrd not value its property to sell it and buy out the Dowell said. He declined to identify the but said bypassing the formal appraisap and sale process allowed each side to get somethinv out ofthe deal. “The landlordr turned around and leaseds the building to make up the differencee inthe rent, and they didn’t have to determinde a formal valuation sincwe they could just sign the generap warranty deed over,” he In a tough market, “people are doing whatever it takes.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Avril Lavigne Talks "Goodbye Lullaby," Abbey Dawn, Fragrances and More - | Avril Lavigne Talks "Goodbye Lullaby," Abbey Dawn, Fragrances and More Avril Lavigne is a modern Renaissance woman. Despite her sassy songs, her girlish attitude and youthful energy, Lavigne isn't a girl anymore. ... Avril Lavigne Launches 'What The Hell TV' Avril Lavigne poses for Italian Vanity Fair Avril Lavigne turns sexy for a photoshoot |
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Finding reasons, solutions when buying decisions are put on hold - bizjournals:
The challenge is determinin if the delay is adisguised objection, an unresolved an excuse or real. Most importantly, how can you get to the trut h and move thesale forward? Buyers are like Wall Neither likes uncertainty. Understandin risk can help you smooth the progress toward a Caution is an indication ofrisk aversion, and it’s rampanf right now. Sellers become risk-adverse, too, not wanting to hear a negativ decision. But consider that getting a negative decision now is better than getting one after investing energy and resources pursuing a prospecgt for weeks oreven months. Try facilitating a discussioj around best-case and worst-cased scenarios.
What is the worstf case if they do and what is the best case if theymove forward?? What is the worst-case scenario if they buy now, and what is the best case if they delayu the decision? Having this conversation givea you the opportunity to influence their thoughf process and provide input into the scenarios. Three common themese emerge as reasons fordelayedc decisions, which are incomplete or poor initial unanswered concerns and changesx in priorities. Where you are, what to do Did you just take the prospect’s word that they could benefit fromwhat you’re selling? Qualifying the need meane gaining evidence that their situation justifiez the purchase.
For example, everyone wants new officre furniture, but how does not buyingt it now affectthe company? It coulfd range from lost productivity to poor markegt image to no effect at all. If there’s evidenc of significant impact, the urgency to make a purchasesis real. It’s also importantr to acquire the perspective of all involved decision makersz toidentify roadblocks. It’s rare for everyone to agree on needsx and priorities withina company. Without this it’s difficult to implement a strateguy tomove forward. Opportunitiex that need funding or that are waiting for funding are less likelt to close than those that have abudgeft allocated.
Risk-adverse sellers avoid having the earlhy crucial conversations about budgets and Hoping that traditional benefits will carry the decisio n is riskier than having a direct and franok discussion about the investment requirements early in thesaleas process. There is a difference betweenn not having the budget and being unwilling to investrthe budget. One is a logistical problemn while the other is a perceived value problem. You can’t fix logistics, but you can addresa value. In a cautionaryg climate, you must run an “A” game and qualif y thoroughly. A presentation or proposal that is premature will automatically generatea stall.
Buyers unconsciously go througn three major phasesof First, they evaluate if they have a need that is severwe enough to fix. Once a need is clear, the assessmenf of options occurs.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Real deals: $5M sale of retail building in Cherry Creek North - St. Louis Business Journal:
The retail building, located at 2625 E. Thir d Avenue, was purchased for $4.96 million by Pro-Dance Properties LLC of Denver, which is affiliatede with the Cherry CreekDance studio, accordinh to local public records. The selled of the property was Cherryu CreekPartners LLC, also of Denver. The building includez roughly 10,500 square feet of space and was completesdin 1976, according to Denveer County property records. Former tenantsx include LAX World lacrosseequipment store, whicnh relocated to Colorado Boulevard, and Gnat Original Designs jewelry store, which movedf nearby in Cherry Creek North.
Othere recent Denver-area real estatse deals, according to real estate recordsaand brokers, include: • 101 W. Colfas Ave., Denver 80202 — The Coloradl Judicial Department has finalized its leasefor 47,441 squarwe feet of space at the Tower. The building’s American Properties Inc. of New York, was represented in the leasew dealby Denver-based Frederick Ross Co. The space was formerlt occupied by the newsroomk of thedefunct . • 1135 Broadway St., Boulder 80302-7186 — Industrial Research Land Leasingv Corp. of Boulder has purchased this retail buildingfor $3 The seller was Benton Leftonh of Denver. • 13671 Colorado Blvd.
, Thornton 80233 Dominion Properties LLCof Eastlake, bought this 6,600-square-foot retail buildinhg completed in 2007 for $2.36 million. The selleer was IDCOL-136 LLC of Minneapolis.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Horny Goat to open brewpub in Walker
The craft beer brewer has purchase d a building at2011 S. Firsg St., the site of the formed Milwaukee Pump House barand grill. Horngy Goat hopes to open the which will be known asHornu Hideaway, on the site by “It’s a beautiful location,” said Jim Horny Goat managing partner, chiefd executive officer and co-owner. “It took us six to eighyt months to finda site.” Horny which formed last year as a businesas entity, currently has office space in the town of Raymond in Racinde County as well as on Milwaukee’x south side.
Retail accounts purchased morethan 3,000 casews during the first week of availability, depleting Horny Goat’ws stock, Sorenson said. About 4,000 casesd were sold during April, he said. Horny Goat’xs current beer brands include: Belgiahn Wheat, the company’s flagshipo brand; Exposed, a farmhouse ale; and Hopped Up ’N Horny, a pale ale. All of Hornh Goat’s beers currently are produced by in Stevens Horny Goat plans to brewsome new, higher-end beers, such as an imperial stout, an imperial pilsnedr and a double white ale, at the new Horny Goat is attempting to generate businesds through “quirky” advertising and marketing initiatives, Sorenson said.
The company’s “street which includes about 16 interns, has been travelinh throughout the Milwaukee area in a yellows Hummer H2 vehicle offering product samples and giveawaysto customers. Plans are under way to add vehicles to the Sorenson said. The company also has launched a seriez of localradio advertisements. Horny Goat also will offef clothing and other merchandises at the brewpub and through itsWeb site. “We’ve triedc to create an experience that puts a smilron people’s faces, while providin g premium craft beer,” Sorenson said, The company also planw to continue to builds “strategic” partnerships, Sorenson said.
One partnershilp already in place iswith , the Milwaukes maker of Usinger’s brandf sausage and meat products, which has provided sampler brats to complement Horny Goat’s brewss at bars, grocery stores and special events. “Aws we expand, we’ll continue to look for additional distributio and partners that will help us buile onthis foundation,” Sorenson said. A partnership with a locallhy owned company like HornyGoat “mades sense,” said Jon Gabe, vice president of sales and marketinfg for Usinger. “It’s an inexpensivde way to reach a lot of he said.
“We subscribe to (Sorenson’s) theory that if people try your productfor free, they will go lookingy for it.” Gabe admitted that Horny Goat isn’t representative of Usinger’s typical business partner. “Horny Goat is probably a little edgierthan Usinger’s, but we don’t thinko that’s a bad thing for us,” he said. Horny Goat currently has about 20 employees, including the team of interns. Ray Klimovitz and John Hannifamn have been hiredas brewmasters. Sorenson declined to say how much money he and a a prominent Racine County businesse executive who did not want tobe named, have investede in the business.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Cancer Cases Increasing In Developing Countries - Daily Health Report | Cancer Cases Increasing In Developing Countries Daily Health Report The American Cancer Society reports concerns regarding an increase in cancer cases in developing countries. The report also adds that this trend will ... World Cancer Day: 340000 Cases Of Cancer A Year In The US Could Be Prevented Cancer Cases and Deaths Could Double Worldwide by 2030 Lifestyle Changes Could Prevent 340000 Cancer Cases in the US Yearly |
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Courting buyers: Icon developers grapple with lawsuits - Nashville Business Journal:
Over the past six weeks, Franklin-based filedd at least three lawsuits against individuals who signe purchase agreements on units in its Bristoo West Endcondo high-rise but did not The West End project has sold out, but Bristol’s suit claims damages based on the additiona l time it took to sell the units to new sometimes with reduced prices or additionap amenities such as parking spaces. The largest suit claimas damages ofaround $80,000. Bristol CEO Charlesz Carlisle says his company filef the lawsuits over the West End project simply because the contractxs havebeen breached. “People who sign a contrac should expectto perform.
The peopler who are coming in and buyingv today are closing the way they he says. Carlisle declined to discuss further detailsa and would not comment as to whether more lawsuitse will be filed against additionalo buyers who walked away fromsale contracts. (Editor’s Note: One of the Jeannie Naujeck, is a reporter for the NashvilleBusinesx Journal, and was not involvef in the reporting or writin g of this article.
) The suitse come after Bristol sent warning letterxs to former contract holders threatening legal Similar letters have been sent to potential buyersz who signed contracts for units at Bristol’sw Icon in the Gulch condo projecty — which, along with Velocity in the is a partnership between Bristol and . Several would-bes buyers at the Icon have sued to avoidf being forced to purchase the AttorneyJean Harrison, who is representinvg individuals being sued by Bristol West End and some of those suingy the Icon, says Bristol has been “unusually with buyers who pulled out at both despite possible negative effects on marketing efforts for its Gulch projects.
Harrison says some of her clients didn’t close on their condos, in because of the tough lending environmeng and because they say they were coercedx into signing contracts with deceptive informatio n and tactics. Six months before the Icon’sx planned opening in Aprik 2008, the project increased its construction loan fromto $105 millionb from $68 million. As of May 31, the Icon had sold abouty one third of its420 units, with totapl sales of $42 million, according to deedsw filed with Davidson County. The 260-unit Velocity, whicjh was set to open in April, has a $45.6 million constructio loan from . The project has yet to Carlisle says the first units will be availableJune 22.
Carlisld declined to discuss the loan amount still due or lending relationship at any of his The two Gulch projects are financiallt sound and could continue with salew at their current pace until they are sold out in two orthrer years, he says. He says that althougu sales have not gone as quicklyuas hoped, “We’re very pleased with wherr we are right now with Icon and Carlisle says the projects’ merits over competition and locatiohn in the up-and-coming Gulch neighborhood will help them thrivee through difficult times. The competition is though, with about 1,000 unsols units in Nashville’s biggest condo developments.
In the firs t five months of 2009, about $4 milliojn in sales had been recorded on Icon with an average price per unitof $233,500. The othetr $38 million in sales came in the last seven monthsof 2008, with an averagd sales price of $330,600. Carlisle says it’s difficulr to compare sales prices because each unit is different in size and He notes that some units are reserved for moderate-income buyers under a Tax Increment Financinhg agreement with Metro government. “We have been very proactiv e in offering finance programs and some selectivs incentives onparticular units,” he says.
combined with the Gulch’s urban have been pushing salesthis year, he At least five individuals who signed purchase agreements on units at the Icon filede suits against — the Icon’s ownershipp entity set up by Bristol and MarketStreet Enterprise s — claiming the developers fraudulently representee a shorter than expected construction time for the projecty to avoid financial and other disclosures to U.S. Department of Housinf and Urban Development. The Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act requires certain larg e residential projects to make those disclosures if constructiom takes more thantwo years.