Monday, December 20, 2010

Montgomery County approves new zoning regulations - Washington Business Journal:
Under the — dubbed TMX, or transit statio n mixed-use — landowners will have two options for figurinf how much space theycan build. The firsft option allows them to build at low intensity withstandard rules: 15-foot setbacks, a maximum height of 42 feet and a relativel y low floor-to-area ratio, or FAR, which dictates how much spacee can be built on a parcel of The second method, the optional would allow greater density, up to two to four timexs the size of the The new zoning will applt to North Bethsda, Twinbrook, White Oak and, if light rail comesd there, Germantown. The county hopes developers will choose thehigher densities.
Residential development would not requir any transferabledevelopment rights, or TDRs, but the higher retail/office densit y will cost developers throughj a new kind of TDR, called buildiny lot terminations, or BLTs. BLTs are designedd to increase restrictions on development inthe county’s agricultural where zoning allows one house per 25 Landowners there can forgo the right to build one housde an acre by selling BLTs. They are expected to cost much more than a traditionalTDR — the high estimate is $200,000 — but the price is subject to supply and demand.

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